Saturday 25 June 2016

Hello people!

Today was a fantastic day! The day started off well because we were allowed a sleep-in until 7am! After a nice breakfast, we went to Cockington Green Gardens, a beautiful miniature village. There we got to see many historical and famous buildings in miniature form. The lady told us that most of the buildings were built to a 1:12 scale. The buildings all had a lot of detail, and all the grass was well looked after.

After that we went to a sheep farm. One of the best things about the farm was the sheep dog. His name was Digger and he was a Kelpe. We watched the farmer and the dog round up the sheep. To help them, Sam and Eden also acted as dogs and helped round up the sheep (they weren't the best dogs). After this, a few of us got to wrestle the sheep so we could practice what the farmers have to do before shearing the sheep. Then we watched the farmer, Craig, shear a sheep.

The last stop of our day was at the Australian War Memorial. This was a fantastic experience! After a few brief instructions from a lady who works there, we went to a hanger to see several different old planes hanging from the roof. In this hanger, we got to see a few different videos about the different wars the different planes were in. One of them was made by Peter Jackson (the director of Lord of the Rings). We only got to see a small area of the museum, lucky for us we are going back on Monday to see more.

Mum and Dad I miss you, but I am having a good time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi to Del and Everyone camping in Canberra.

    Glad to hear you are having a great time seeing and learning about some fascinating things. Sounds like EWE are getting some wonderful hands on experience rounding up and wrestling some sheep. Im wondering if it gives you a new appreciation for your lovely warm socks, beanies, jumpers, gloves and blankets etc (especially in Canberra's cooler temperatures) and for our Amazing God, whom by his own marvellous design, created sheep.

    Though time was against you at the mueseum, fortunately, it's not too late to visit again. It sounds like there is some great things to see.

    May God bless and keep you all as you continue your Canberra adventures and bring you home safely afterwards.

    Warm wishes.

    Mrs Astell

    Del, I believe Clay thinks Canberra is up in the clouds, that you guys are up in the clouds, funny little brother. Keep on enjoying your time in Canberra. We are looking foward to seeing some photos and hearing all about your trip when you get back. Love u bud.
